
christmas crap clearinghouse


'Tis the season for second rate Christmas Carols. Despite the fact that we already have more than enough Christmas music to get us through the holidays, every year we're presented a new batch of cornball covers and cringe-worthy originals.

For the 5th year in a row, The Killers have penned a modern holiday hymn to benefit the (RED) Foundation.

In the Jared Hess directed video for "Boots", a homeless man finds the Christmas spirit just in time to drag his sorry ass back to the family he abandoned:

Not to be outdone, Coldplay has issued "Christmas Lights" — a more overtly Christmassy tune with a more festive video and a freshly shorn Chris Martin:

The Coldplay carol probably has the better chance of making it into the mall muzak rotation next Christmas. Beats Mannheim Steamroller I guess.

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