
gruff rhys' hotel shampoo guest preview


If you've ever seen the show Hoarders, then you've no doubt wondered aloud why anyone needs thirty years of newspapers or every broken appliance the neighbors have left at the curb.

Seems Super Furry Animals frontman Gruff Rhys had a hoarding compulsion of his own, collecting nearly 15 years worth of hotel freebies from his life on the road. As you can see here, he rid himself of all that baggage — using the shampoo bottles to create an art installation, and using the memories they trigger to inspire the album Hotel Shampoo.

Hotel Shampoo's release is still three weeks away, but several tracks are available to provide a solid look at Rhys' most ambitious solo album yet.

Back in October, "Shark Ridden Waters" was offered up as a free download and gave an early indication of Rhys' evolving psychedelia meets Baroque pop style:

Upcoming single "Sensations In The Dark" introduces horns and some mariachi flavor:

The more straightforward "Conservation Conversation" features some of Rhys' terrific harmonies and vocal interplay:

If you're longing for some good ol' SFA, "Christopher Columbus" is probably the closest you'll get:

For too long, Rhys and his Super Furry Animals have been under appreciated. Odds are, Hotel Shampoo won't make them any more well known — but for those paying attention, Rhys' reputation as a gifted songwriter should lather into a healthy foam.

Need more proof? Here's a chilling acoustic version of "Shark Ridden Waters" on the BBC2 Review Show:

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