
reminiscing about electronic


Morrissey once called Johnny Marr's post-Smiths project with Bernard Sumner and Neil Tennant "totally useless".

I'm not going to try to convince Moz otherwise...  however, I do have a soft spot in my heart for Electronic. Sure, in retrospect I can admit the whole thing was a bit cheesy. The synths and strings were over the top, the guitar work of Johnny Marr was thin, and the entire idea of a synth-pop supergroup was really quite silly.

Still, I wore this record out. It spoke to me. Maybe it just quelled my desire for new material from the defunct Smiths and distracted me from the maybe-they're-broken-up maybe-they're-not saga of New Order. Or perhaps I just wasn't as cynical back then.

Regardless, I still get misty when I hear "Getting Away With It":

"Feel Every Beat" was another favorite, but seeing it live from 1992 you can witness hip-hop Barney starting to lose his mind:

Electronic put out three albums over the course of the 90's, none nearly as good as the first. But now that Marr has moved on to The Cribs and Sumner is carrying on with Bad Lieutenant, I think it's safe to look back on that debut with fondness.

It appears Barney does, too:

1 comment:

Noodle said...

Totally agree. Love that first record. I thought they would be the greatest group ever and put out like 15 albums. I guess like Boston, they were just too awesome and the world wasn't ready.

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