
daydreaming with youngteam


Youngteam are a Swedish shoegaze outfit signed to English psychedelia label Northern Star and named after the first album by Scottish face-melters Mogwai. If that piques your interest, then you'll be happy to know that Youngteam's first full-length, Daydreamer, is even greater than the sum of those enticing parts.

Released earlier this month, and championed by the When The Sun Hits blog, it's an accomplished debut that eschews the conventions of contemporary nu-gaze.

There are certainly nods to shoegaze touchstones Slowdive and My Bloody Valentine, but Youngteam also aren't afraid to venture into the more melodic wake of bands like Ride and The Boo Radleys.

Take the album's title track, which begins with the obligatory shimmery hum of feedback but quickly establishes a brighter-than-expected tone:

"Summertime" keeps the tempo high and adds some woozy Swervedriver style neck bending guitar:

But Daydreamer isn't a one-note album, evidenced by the rather soulful "Northern Star":

"Black Lodge" is another Swervedriver inspired tune that recalls Adam Franklin's great guitar symphonies:

Before Daydreamer was even released, Youngteam began laying the groundwork for LP number two. This video for non-album cut "Adrift" indicates this is a band just hitting their stride:

Apologies for the audio overkill, but when you find good shoegaze you just have to share.

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