
every new order single ever


In the course of the recent trip down Smiths memory lane, I stumbled across a networked blog devoted to the digital remastering of vinyl New Order singles.

This is the real deal. These are club DJs, engineers and audiophiles who have lovingly restored these rare and out-of-print singles for eternal posterity.

From the Recycle: Joy Division & New Order blog: "All tracks were taken from the best/earliest possible sources to avoid modern mastering techniques which crush the dynamics. Tracks sourced from vinyl have been carefully cleaned and EQ levels have been tweaked for consistency. The artwork was scanned at the highest possible resolution and the type was reset when possible using the original fonts."


Now some of this has shown up on various singles collections or album remasters, but no complete box set of New Order singles exists. So let's take a look at some of the gold you can find.

From the "Everything's Gone Green" single, here's rarity "Mesh":

And here's the 12" version of "Temptation" from the band's first self-produced single:

Finally, here's the superior 12" version of "Round & Round":

Do yourself a favor, scour Recycle: Joy Division & New Order. Not just for the impeccably remastered singles you can download, but also for the historical and production context that the contributors add to each selection.

Check back tomorrow and we'll peruse their back catalog of Joy Division singles.

1 comment:

Kristen DeRocha said...

I like this and the original Technique versions of Round and Round best. They don't have that 'happy' chord under the chorus that ruins the dramatic mood of the song.

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